Can you say a few words about yourself?
I am an atmospheric scientist focusing on the chemistry and impacts of aerosols. I have been studying bioaerosols and biogenic secondary organic aerosols. Besides, I’m also very interested in the climate impacts of atmospheric particles, e.g., the warming impact of brown carbon.
What is your role in ReCLEAN?
In this project, I have been studying the formation and evolution of organic nitrogen via chamber simulation and field observation.
Why were you interested in ReCLEAN?
The identity and chemistry of organic nitrogen are still poorly understood in atmospheric science. Within the nexus of atmosphere, land, and aquatic environments, although it is still not clear whether and how atmospheric organic nitrogen can play a role in other environments, it is really fascinating to step into this jungle and try to reveal those unknown.
Can you speak about other projects you are currently working on and other ones in the past?
I worked on several projects before. During my Ph.D. studies, I used an online monitor to characterize bioaerosols in urban, suburban, coastal, and marine atmospheres. When I was at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry in Germany, I worked on the organic aerosols in the lower stratosphere. I also worked on a project to reveal the key sources and impact of brown carbon in the Arctic warming.
What have been some of your biggest challenges?
In the beginning, it is quite a challenge for me to run several mass spectrometers simultaneously.
What have been some of your biggest successes?
That would be the findings in our two studies. I systematically resolved the various biological and nonbiological sources of atmospheric fluorescent aerosols in the urban atmosphere. It can serve as a guide in interpreting fluorescent aerosol particles which have long been a challenge. In another study, we found that brown carbon can cause significant warming in the Arctic and biomass burning is the dominant source of the warming effect.
What do you enjoy to do, outside of science and research?
Reading, playing badminton, and hiking.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
I would say the beach in Thailand. It is so beautiful!
A free thought for the end?
Enjoy the sunshine!