ReCLEAN in-person meeting – 18 March 2025

On March 18th, ReCLEAN members and partners met in the ETH Board offices in Bern for the third ReCLEAN in-person meeting.

In addition to the ReCLEAN team members, a member of the Advisory Board, a partner and a representative of the Joint Initiative Management Office attended the meeting.

Dr. Sonja Keel and Dr. Shauna-Kay Rainford from the Swiss Federal Research Institute Agroscope opened the meeting with a very well received seminar entitled ‘Modelling national and field-scale N2O emissions in Swiss croplands using DayCent: key challenges and potential ways forward‘.

Updates on each work package were presented by the respective postdocs/scientists working on it. This was followed by an open discussion on the synthesis work package and final outputs of the ReCLEAN Joint Initiative.

Finally, communication and outreach activities were discussed.

ReCLEAN members and partners